Favorite WWDC pin. #moof
Author: mike
Downloading all the bits.
Not sure why Apple didn’t clean up all these left-over to go boxes before the keynote.
The first of what I’m sure will be countless lines this year at #WWDC. #checkingin
Wow, I just opened the official Twitter app for the first time in years. It’s showing me tweets from over a week ago near the top of my home page. So obnoxious. If Twitter was always like this, I would never use it.
This week has gone by way too fast. Haven’t had enough time to get into my WWDC zone yet.
Experienced a long couple minutes when losing connection with the drone tonight for the first time in flight (out of sight, and over a shoreline). Fortunately it found its way home safely.
The past few days I just can’t stop wondering: what’s your privacy policy?
@manton Would love to see a list of people I follow on Twitter who also have Micro.blog accounts, so I could follow them here as well.
I decided it was time to take ownership of my micro blog content and setup https://words.mikepj.dev/
The content will be posted as @mikepj on both Micro.Blog and Twitter.