Taking some time to enjoy a peaceful summer day in #PureMichigan.

Husband, father, coder, photographer, traveler.
Taking some time to enjoy a peaceful summer day in #PureMichigan.
I went out a couple of nights to view the Neowise comet. Here’s one of the better shots I came home with.
Used a 5D Mark IV and a 70-200 f2.8L II. 5 second exposure at f2.8, 70mm, ISO 10000.
After adding a second Mac mini to my homelab, I wanted an enclosure that would keep them secure. The last thing I need is for one of them to fall off a shelf.
I decided to go for the MacRack mini from Sonnet. Here’s a video unboxing and review:
Just finished renaming 1.5 million weather observation data files from epoch to YYYYmmddHHMMSS date format.
Took a couple of days intermittently and some bash and Perl code to get the job done.
The DTK arrived this morning… So this is what it’d be like if an iPad Pro ran macOS.
First step: getting XRG going.
Now that WWDC is over (kudos to everyone at Apple!), we can now return to our regularly scheduled political posts.
I just posted a video discussing my thoughts on this week’s WWDC announcements including macOS 11, Catalyst, SwiftUI, and Apple Silicon.
Check it out:
If you have an app that uses UISplitView on iPad, you owe it to yourself to check out the new functionality in iOS 14 and watch the Build for iPad session.
OMG! splitViewController.setViewController(vc, for: .compact)
Also joined the micro.blog meetup this afternoon. Wish it could have been a proper lunch with great discussion, but it was still nice to see everyone even though we have a virtual WWDC.
Watched 13 #WWDC20 videos today and I feel completely spent. So much great content though!
Wow… My DTK application was accepted and some sweet Apple Silicon is on it’s way.
Guess I’ll plan to check out Big Sur tomorrow…
Lots of great improvements to SwiftUI this year. A lot of the pain points look to be addressed, and the option to define even the App controller in SwiftUI is a huge win.
I plan to use it as much as possible moving forward. #WWDC20
That new Xcode icon…
Here goes nothing…
Watched this year’s WWDC keynote with my 9 and 7 yo daughters. They loved seeing the iOS improvements.
It’s been a few years since I’ve posted a video rundown of my homelab. Here’s an update of what I’m using to support my dev projects like Seasonality.
This video took a little longer to post than I intended. Last month we upgraded to a faster internet connection, and in this video I talk about some hurdles I had to overcome along the way. Never thought I’d be using a Mac mini as a router!
I’ve been banging my head against a problem I was seeing in a new macOS app I’ve been using to learn SwiftUI. Moved the same code into a Swift Playground and it works immediately as expected. Hopefully WWDC brings a more reliable SwiftUI implementation on the Mac.
Bug submitted: FB7716258