Biggest drawback with dark mode on Mojave is the random website or email with a light background set. It’s really jarring to see a field of white show up on an otherwise dark UI.
Category: Uncategorized
Repairing grout and drywall at midnight on a Friday night. The joys of home ownership…
Two out of the three flights I’ve been booked on out of ORD have been cancelled. Really hoping this third flight sticks.
As much as I didn’t like being herded around by the crowd control at WWDC, it was great not being turned away or pushed into an overflow room for a single session this week.
San Jose, you’re alright.
Do yourself a favor and watch “Advance Debugging with Xcode and LLDB”. The demo showing how to adjust a UI layout from the debugger was awesome.
Downloading all the bits.
Wow, I just opened the official Twitter app for the first time in years. It’s showing me tweets from over a week ago near the top of my home page. So obnoxious. If Twitter was always like this, I would never use it.
This week has gone by way too fast. Haven’t had enough time to get into my WWDC zone yet.
Experienced a long couple minutes when losing connection with the drone tonight for the first time in flight (out of sight, and over a shoreline). Fortunately it found its way home safely.
The past few days I just can’t stop wondering: what’s your privacy policy?
@manton Would love to see a list of people I follow on Twitter who also have accounts, so I could follow them here as well.
I decided it was time to take ownership of my micro blog content and setup
The content will be posted as @mikepj on both Micro.Blog and Twitter.