Spent the last two days at The Ohio Linux Fest. The last time I attended had maybe 150 attendees back in 2005. Now they have over 700 people registered and several conference tracks. Great to see the growth.

Seems that 32GB is no longer enough RAM for an iOS development box. I do have a 4GB virtual machine running that is “extra”, but I’m 11GB into swap even after closing some stuff out.  Xcode alone is using over 6GB of RAM.

*Rubs hands together* Wooo!! I’ve been configuring servers for months, and finally picked the perfect setup.

Ordered this Dell R6515 with a 16 core/32 thread AMD EPYC 2 CPU, 128GB of RAM, and 6TB of raw SSD storage. Can’t wait to see what it can do.

Trying to decide whether to install iOS 13 today, or just wait until 13.1 comes out next Tuesday. There must be some pretty big issues in 13 if Apple is pushing up the 13.1 release by a week.