*Rubs hands together* Wooo!! I’ve been configuring servers for months, and finally picked the perfect setup.

Ordered this Dell R6515 with a 16 core/32 thread AMD EPYC 2 CPU, 128GB of RAM, and 6TB of raw SSD storage. Can’t wait to see what it can do.

Trying to decide whether to install iOS 13 today, or just wait until 13.1 comes out next Tuesday. There must be some pretty big issues in 13 if Apple is pushing up the 13.1 release by a week.

Here’s a video clip of the boat ride back to the main land yesterday. This was taken while we were hugging the shoreline to avoid the larger swells. Later when we crossed the channel it got a lot worse. Our skipper did a nice job of easing the biggest hits though.

Yesterday we went to the market in Alotau. The food looked amazing.

These are buai (also known as beetlenut). People chew them with lime (the stone) powder and mustard (the string-bean looking things in this photo) and get a “high” when chewed. It’s kind of the local equivalent of chewing tobacco. It also stains your teeth red.
Fresh peanuts and cucumbers.