More power! I didn’t spend too long in this old power plant because there was airborne asbestos on site, but I did grab a couple of shots inside and this was my favorite.

I’m not sure what this room used to be, but it almost looked like an old classroom. The graffiti was everywhere, of course, but in this case I felt like it gave the room even more character.

For this photo I captured a bracketed exposure so I could restore some of the outside view from this room in an HDR image. The building was up on a hill and to look outside with all the trees was something to behold.

When I saw this scene in one of the attics, I almost felt like someone was there on the bed. The light was just reflecting around the area in such a unique way. It made me stop for a few moments just to appreciate it.?

My wife, Katrina, had a hurricane take over her name. Now with Michael reaching a category 4, it’s looking increasingly likely that people will be associating my name with a hurricane for quite some time. :-/

I could spend all day watching the light coming in through the windows in this room. Imagine it hitting the far wall for the first time in the morning, then watch it bend onto the floor and move across the room before sunset. What’s your favorite display of light?

Been listening to my RAID disks thrashing constantly for the the past few hours, courtesy of Arq backup maintenance. Managed to renice the process to let me work a little easier, but everything is still pretty laggy. Got a new SSD setup coming, and it can’t arrive soon enough.

The Follow My Delivery feature that UPS has now is a pretty cool way to watch your packages on delivery day. However, I’m finding myself having a love/hate relationship with it. “Getting closer… NO, don’t turn that way!!”