Another long hallway with side light. This building had some renovation done, such as the walls being stripped of their original lead paint. Obviously still a lot of work to do for a full renovation.

There was so much color in some of these decayed rooms. This photo was processed as an HDR to bring out some more color in the ceiling and from the bright light on the trees outside.

Sometimes the best shots are behind you. While taking the previous posted doorway photo, I turned around to see this. I loved how the room was so large that the light coming in through the far window almost looks like a point light. And where did the missing section of pipe go?

A door to another room in the attic. The way the light was falling through this doorway made me stop in my tracks. I tried a few different viewpoints before settling on this one.

The attics of these buildings were something else. Ventilation pipes and criss-crossing beams everywhere. The day I was photographing this saw temperatures in the mid-90s, so the attics were unbelievably hot. But the photos were soooo worth it…

I use various methods to backup data to the backup NAS.

For the primary Synology unit, I just use their Hyper Backup with a single-copy rsync. For the Mac, I use Time Machine to iSCSI volumes. For local/remote Linux VMs, I pull using rsync.

As much as I didn’t like being herded around by the crowd control at WWDC, it was great not being turned away or pushed into an overflow room for a single session this week.

San Jose, you’re alright.