I went out a couple of nights to view the Neowise comet. Here’s one of the better shots I came home with.

Neowise medium

Used a 5D Mark IV and a 70-200 f2.8L II. 5 second exposure at f2.8, 70mm, ISO 10000.

Just finished renaming 1.5 million weather observation data files from epoch to YYYYmmddHHMMSS date format.

Took a couple of days intermittently and some bash and Perl code to get the job done.


Also joined the micro.blog meetup this afternoon. Wish it could have been a proper lunch with great discussion, but it was still nice to see everyone even though we have a virtual WWDC.

Lots of great improvements to SwiftUI this year. A lot of the pain points look to be addressed, and the option to define even the App controller in SwiftUI is a huge win.

I plan to use it as much as possible moving forward. #WWDC20


This video took a little longer to post than I intended. Last month we upgraded to a faster internet connection, and in this video I talk about some hurdles I had to overcome along the way. Never thought I’d be using a Mac mini as a router!

I’ve been banging my head against a problem I was seeing in a new macOS app I’ve been using to learn SwiftUI.  Moved the same code into a Swift Playground and it works immediately as expected.  Hopefully WWDC brings a more reliable SwiftUI implementation on the Mac.

Bug submitted: FB7716258